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Show Sponsorship

FST is a major cultural hub in the heart of Downtown Sarasota. Show sponsorship is a cost-effective way to advertise your business and build your corporate image with one of the largest subscription audiences in the nation. High-visibility opportunities include a corporate bio or title page listing in our playbills, lobby signage, web promotion, complimentary tickets and more. To enhance your business’s exposure, your tax-deductible sponsorship will be limited to one per production.

For more information, please contact Matthew Glover, Director of Development at 941-366-9017 x326 or via email at MGlover@floridastudiotheatre.org


Media Sponsorship

FST has been a vital participant in the cultural conversation in Sarasota for nearly five decades, and to facilitate this conversation, we enjoy partnerships with newspapers, television stations, magazines, radio, and website hosts throughout the city and state.

For media sponsorship information, please contact Robert Whyte, Marketing Director, at (941) 366-9017 x 383 or rwhyte@floridastudiotheatre.org.