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25 Comedy Roulette BKG - 1617x1055

FST Improv Presents

Comedy Roulette

April 05 - May 30, 2025 Bowne's Lab

Comedy Roulette

April 05 - May 30, 2025 Bowne's Lab
FST Improv Presents

Comedy Roulette

April 05 - May 30, 2025 Bowne's Lab

FST Improv’s Comedy Roulette is a show about chance, skill, and high stakes. Join our team of four experienced improvisers as they bet the house (the house being you, the audience) that they can deliver a fast-paced show like you’ve never seen before. Featuring a mashup of short form, long form, and musical improv, audiences get the best of the artform when styles and techniques collide. No matter which way our wheel spins, odds are, you’re in for a great time at FST Improv’s Comedy Roulette.

Running Time

90 minutes with a 15 minute intermission


There are plenty of parking options available when you visit FST, including two adjacent parking lots and three nearby parking garages, plus on-street parking.


Complete your theatre-going experience. Dine with us! FST Improv attendees are invited to dine with us in Bowne's Lab beginning one hour before show time. Reservations are not required.

Thanks to Our Sponsors