Coffee & Conversation: Poetry as a Gateway to Reality
Coffee & Conversation: Poetry as a Gateway to Reality
Tracy K. Smith, winner of the Pulitzer Prize in Poetry 2012, and Richard Blanco, Presidential Inaugural Poet 2009, will engage with the audience in a discussion of how poets use language to help us see our world more clearly. We live in anxious times. Our public discourse is full of worried talk about immigration, economics, education, climate change - all while a presidential campaign blusters around us. Can poetry help illuminate our understanding of the social environment we inhabit?
Poetry is a genre that has long been known for its ability to speak the heart’s truth. But other truths are also revealed through the poetic voice, whether related to biography, contemporary experience or the truth inherent in nature. Our featured poets will engage with the audience in a discussion of how poets use their art to show truth to the world, and how those truths may enhance our lives.