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Administrative Interns

Krista Hagans

General Management Intern

Mattie E. Hinckley

Casting & Hiring Intern

Tyler Lemley

Literary Intern

Gillian Lintz

Literary Intern

Artemis Truax

Literary Intern

Artistic & Education Interns

David Allsup

Acting Apprentice

Stokeley Ellison

Acting Apprentice

Jakob Harding

Artistic Fellow

Nick James

Acting Apprentice

Destinee Nikole

Acting Apprentice

Ava Mastrone

Acting Apprentice

Chloe Remaley

Children's Theatre & Education Intern

Julia Ruggirello

Acting Apprentice

Dellan Short

Acting Fellow

Evan Souza

Acting Apprentice

Production Interns

Nathaniel Avery

Stage Management Intern

Madison Harosky

Stage Management Intern

Rose Hersh

Costume Intern

Kate Landry

Lighting Intern

Naomi Marin

Sound Fellow

Tori Martinson

Stage Management Intern

Matthew Parvin

Stage Management Fellow

Kara Powell

Production Management Fellow

Amoreena Tillman

Stage Management Intern